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466 news articles

Werrington 2023-24 annual report published

The 2023-24 annual report for HMYOI Werrington is now published.

Doncaster 2023-24 annual report published

The 2023-24 annual report for HMP Doncaster is now published.

Better end of life care needed at HMP The Verne says prison watchdog

In its 2023-24 annual report published on 18 February 2025, the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for HMP The Verne has called for an end-of-life facility to be created within the prison, given the ageing population held there. In addition, the IMB recognises the urgent need for repairs to be carried out to various areas within the prison.

Wakefield 2023-24 annual report published

The 2023-24 annual report for HMP Wakefield is now published.

Brixton 2023-24 annual report published

The 2023-24 annual report for HMP Brixton is now published.

Wormwoods Scrubs 2023-24 annual report published

The 2023-24 annual report for HMP Wormwood Scrubs is now published.

Children in Feltham being locked up for 22 hours a day

The Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for Feltham today (6 February 2025) publishes its annual report for the year September 2023 to August 2024. HMP Feltham covers two sites, one that acts as a young offenders’ institution (YOI) for boys under the age of 18 and one that is for adult males.

New Hall 2023-24 annual report published

The 2023-24 annual report for HMP/YOI New Hall is now published.

Prisoners and staff at HMP Channings Wood failed by a prison system in crisis

In its 2023-24 annual report published on 31 January 2025, the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for HMP Channings Wood has yet again reported on the impact that national pressures have on the delivery of critical functions intended to reduce reoffending. Overcrowding regularly adds strain to a system already under pressure, at times preventing it from fulfilling the necessary functions of a training and resettlement prison. That staff can generally cope with a range of challenges, including a huge inflow and outflow of prisoners caused by the closure of HMP Dartmoor, is commendable.

HMP Cardiff struggling at full capacity, say prison monitors

The 2023-24 annual report of the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for HMP Cardiff (published 29 January 2025) highlights the impact of ongoing national prison population pressures. The prison has been at operational capacity or very close to it, for the majority of the reporting year, which has created challenges in ensuring conditions for prisoners are safe, decent and humane.