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459 news articles

Foston Hall 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP/YOI Foston Hall is now published.

Deerbolt 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP/YOI Deerbolt is now published.

Long Lartin 2023 annual report published

The 2023 annual report for HMP Long Lartin is now published.

Publication of ministerial responses

The following ministerial responses to annual reports are now available to view: Cardiff 2022-23, Channings Wood 2022-23, Dovegate 2022-23, Eastwood Park 2022-23, Feltham 2022-23, Haverigg 2022-23, Wakefield 2022-23

Concerns escalated over rat infestation in kitchen at HMP Pentonville

The IMB at HMP Pentonville wrote to Minister Argar this week to escalate its ongoing concerns about a rat infestation in the main kitchen, the management of which it regards as a serious dereliction of duty regarding health and safety and food hygiene.

Guys Marsh 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Guys Marsh is now published.

Drake Hall 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP/YOI Drake Hall is now published.

Forest Bank 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Forest Bank is now published.

HMP Haverigg managing well despite a large population increase

There has been a significant increase in the number of prisoners at Haverigg over the year, with the population rising by more than 50% as a result of transfers from the wider prison estate. Despite this challenge, the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) believes that the prison remains a safe environment and that prisoners are treated fairly by staff.