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459 news articles

Publication of ministerial responses

The following ministerial responses to annual reports are now available to view: Bronzefield 2022-23, Bure 2022-23, Chelmsford 2022-23, Cookham Wood 2022-23, Ford 2022-23, Hatfield 2022-23, Hewell 2022-23, The Verne 2022-23, Werrington 2022-23, Wetherby 2022-23

Wormwood Scrubs 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Wormwood Scrubs is now published.

Wakefield 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Wakefield is now published.

HMP Eastwood Park striving to support women with complex mental needs

Acute staff shortages at the beginning of the reporting year resulted in an unreliable and unpredictable regime at HMP Eastwood Park, notes the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) in its 2022-23 annual report. As staffing levels improved however, a new regime was introduced, although the demand for staff to act as escorts, provide hospital bed watches and cover constant supervision of those at high risk of harming themselves remained high.

Durham 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Durham is now published.

Feltham 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMYOI Feltham is now published.

Dovegate 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Dovegate is now published.

Werrington 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMPYOI Werrington is now published.

Rising prison population places severe strain on resources at HMP Cardiff

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Cardiff is now published.

Serious concerns over safety and decency for children at HMYOI Cookham Wood

In April 2023, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons found “a near total breakdown in behaviour management” at Cookham Wood and called for a “concerted and urgent response … to make the institution a safe and decent place to hold children”. Although much work has taken place since then to improve the situation, the urgent need for more to be done remains. The Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for HMYOI Cookham Wood has consistently been raising similar concerns as HMIP, as evidenced in its 2022-23 annual report.