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459 news articles

Ashfield 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Ashfield is now published.

HMP Bedford struggling to provide safe and humane conditions

The latest report from the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) at HMP Bedford highlights the continuing problems concerning the violent and inhumane conditions in which prisoners are held. Although the prison is relatively fully staffed, up to 35% are ‘non-effective’ due to sickness, training, secondments, or restricted duties, which means the prison cannot provide the required level of service.

Aylesbury 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP/YOI Aylesbury is now published.

Buckley Hall 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP/YOI Buckley Hall is now published.

Nottingham 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Nottingham is now published.

Dungavel House 2022 annual report published

The 2022 annual report for Dungavel House IRC is now published.

Altcourse 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Altcourse is now published.

HMP Bristol – not fit for purpose

The Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) of HMP Bristol has been shocked and saddened by the recent number of deaths in custody at Bristol. In its 2022-23 annual report, the IMB highlights the high levels of self-harm and violence and says that there has been little improvement in areas of concern it has raised previously. In a recent HMIP inspection Bristol was described as one of the most unsafe prisons in Britain and received an urgent notification. Staffing pressures contribute to a vicious cycle of prisoners spending longer hours in their cells, increasing frustration and reducing access to education, healthcare and other services, which does not support effective rehabilitation.

Thameside 2022-23 annual report published

The 2022-23 annual report for HMP Thameside is now published.

Doncaster 2020-22 annual report published

The 2020-22 annual report for HMP Doncaster is now published.