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© Copyright, Independent Monitoring Boards 2025.

Unacceptable building failures at HMP Ford

HMP Ford

In its 2023-24 annual report, published on 25 February 2025, the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for HMP Ford has found that the prison continued to deliver on its resettlement objective. However, this is in spite of the worsening condition of the building infrastructure and the “patch up” approach taken by the prison due to the lack of funding or proper strategy with long-term solutions.

The IMB notes that:

  • There have been 219 registered faults with the boilers/hot water systems in the past five years. Not having access to hot water impacted the rehabilitation of prisoners, with over 100 men going out to work in the community each day. It is totally unacceptable that they cannot have a hot shower on their wings to support their working life.
  • Men arriving at Ford come from closed conditions where they typically have in-cell phones. At Ford, an open prison, they now have to wait in line for the limited number of communal phones, which is a backward step in their relationships with family as they work towards their eventual release.
  • There is a strong argument to expand open prisons like Ford, which have the potential to do much more with larger numbers of men. What is needed is investment.

However, it is pleased to report:

  • On the reduction in the number of illicit items found, of positive mandatory drug tests and of men returned to closed conditions.
  • That the Board observed healthcare provision of the highest standard, with specific mention made of the work undertaken by the substance misuse service.
  • That access to the gym and outdoor sports increased by 128% during the year and prisoner/staff football matches were introduced with success.

IMB Ford Chair, John Edwards, said:

“It is commendable that HMP Ford manages to make a positive and improving contribution to the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners back into the community, with a particular focus on ensuring men have accommodation and employment on release supported wherever possible by familial relationships, despite the challenges highlighted. Against this positive contribution it is disappointing to have to continue to report on the crumbling and failing infrastructure of the prison due to the lack of investment and further delays to the plans to increase capacity at Ford.”