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Rewards & Benefits

There are many rewards you will gain from volunteering with the IMB, such as being part of a committed team. You will also gain transferable skills which will benefit both you and your employer.

Gain valuable skills and work experience

Analytical skills

You will be using the evidence you gather from a lot of sources, triangulating the information and building up a picture.

Listening & communicating

Your liaison with both staff and prisoners / detained people will develop your stakeholder management skills.

Working as a team

You will be working closely with the rest of your local Board to monitor conditions and treatment of individuals.

Managing your time

From completing visits to writing reports, you will learn to balance your volunteering commitments with your other responsibilities.

Training and continuous development

During the first nine to twelve months of volunteering you will shadow experienced members of your local Board. You will also be allocated a mentor who will support you throughout your professional development.


Although this is an unpaid role, we pay travel and subsistence expenses, childcare/carer costs and, in certain circumstances, contributions towards loss of earnings.

You gain experience, especially if you wish to pursue a career in criminal justice. You learn a lot about yourself and gain confidence in dealing with certain situations and individuals.
Olivia Rey, forensic psychology student

Employers really value volunteers

Being an IMB volunteer is recognised as a public duty under the Employment Rights Act 1996. Because of this employers are obliged to allow you some time off for IMB work. But there are lots more reasons why employers encourage people to volunteer.

Volunteering for the IMB can help boost job satisfaction and evidence that a company is more socially responsible.

Pride and productivity

When employees volunteer for the IMB, they are making a difference to local communities. Volunteering can enhance job satisfaction, engagement and lead to happier, more productive employees.

Key workplace skills

IMB volunteers gain many transferable skills through volunteering in prison or immigration detention facilities. This will include working as a team, decision making and dealing with people from many different backgrounds.

Find volunteering vacancies

See if there’s a volunteering opportunity in a prison or immigration detention facility near you.

See current vacancies