Tag: HMP Channings Wood
Prisoners and staff at HMP Channings Wood failed by a prison system in crisis
In its 2023-24 annual report published on 31 January 2025, the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for HMP Channings Wood has yet again reported on the impact that national pressures have on the delivery of critical functions intended to reduce reoffending. Overcrowding regularly adds strain to a system already under pressure, at times preventing it from fulfilling the necessary functions of a training and resettlement prison. That staff can generally cope with a range of challenges, including a huge inflow and outflow of prisoners caused by the closure of HMP Dartmoor, is commendable.
Channings Wood 2023-24 annual report
Annual Report of the Independent Monitoring Board at HMP Channings Wood for reporting year 1 September 2023 – 31 August 2024.
Channings Wood 2022-23 annual report – ministerial response
Letter from Edward Argar MP, Minister of State for Justice, in response to the Channings Wood 2022-23 annual report.
HMP Channings Wood – where staff are trying their best, but often it’s not enough
The Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) at HMP Channings Wood highlights in its 2022-23 annual report the detrimental effects of a prison system failing to cope. Despite a committed leadership and hard-working staff, failing infrastructure and a rising prison population hampers the provision of safe and decent conditions for prisoners and the prison’s ability to perform its function as a training and resettlement prison, preparing prisoners for release.
Channings Wood 2022-23 annual report
Annual Report of the Independent Monitoring Board at HMP Channings Wood for reporting year 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2023.
Channings Wood 2021-22 annual report – ministerial response
Letter from Damian Hinds MP, Minister of State for Justice, in response to the Channings Wood 2021-22 annual report.
Channings Wood 2021-22 annual report published
The 2021-22 annual report for HMP Channings Wood is now published.
Channings Wood 2021-22 annual report
Annual Report of the Independent Monitoring Board at HMP Channings Wood for reporting year 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2022.
Channings Wood 2020-21 annual report – ministerial response
Letter from Victoria Atkins MP, Minister of State for Justice.
Channings Wood 2020-21 annual report
Annual Report of the Independent Monitoring Board at HMP Channings Wood for reporting year 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.